Friday, August 26, 2011

Horrorstep Song

I Am Pain by DJ CmeP

I made my first horror themed dubstep. Feel free to download it. I know I said I'd review Saw 2 but I never have time to watch it. I am still going to watch the other movies too at some I'll be posting my thoughts on the movies when I get the chance to watch them.

PS. Datpiff is still having some issues so check out my soundcloud page for my latest tracks/beats.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Beatpack #3 is done!

I finally finished making my 3rd beat pack but there's a small problem...datpiff has disabled user uploads for a day or two. So unfortunately you'll have to wait for the pack for a while. I uploaded a new beat from the pack to youtube and here it is:

Sunday, August 14, 2011

New Beat

Nothing interesting happened today but I did manage to make a new beat.
Beatpack #3 coming soon!


Friday, August 12, 2011

Saw (Spoiler Free) Review

When I started watching Saw I was sure that I was going to hate the movie but actually I kinda liked it. Yeah..sure the movie had it's problems: bad acting and the annoying use of shaky camera. Dispite the bad acting I was still having a fun time waiting for the next kill to happen. If you like the Final Destination series give this one a try too, I know I did.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I Made My Own Website


I finally made my own website, where I'll be writing my thoughts and posting music & entertainment(perhaps podcasts,rifftraxx etc.) for your enjoyment. I'll try to get something done by tomorrow if I make a podcast of some sort it'll probably be in finnish but you'll just have to wait for that. I'll try to post something on here once or twice a week so check out the site often.

Here's a beat I made last night.