Thursday, December 15, 2011

New beats and dubstep

Bought a new videocard so I might do some gameplay videos from other games(got dirt 3 with it).
I've uploaded some new stuff to my channel on youtube but here's the latest song and beat by yours truly. Check out my soundcloud page for more beats because I have a brand new beat coming up that I'm probably not gonna upload to youtube.

PS. Don't waste your time with Final Destination 5 it SUUUUUUUCKS!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Toilets & Bananas

It's finally finished.About 6 months in the making and now I'm done with it.
11 tracks, funny cover art...go and get it FOR FREE!

Here's a preview of what you can expect.

While you are downloading my new album check out my latest Trackmania 2 video.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Broken Headphones=Upload Old Stuff

So my headphone's left driver broke maybe about a month ago and they are still being repaired.I'm hopefully getting them back in a week or two. I decided to upload this remix I did few months ago of a track by DMX to soundcloud.

DMX - X Gon' Give It To Ya (DJ CmeP Remix) by DJ CmeP

Oh and as some of you might have already noticed that I've uploaded two video game related videos to youtube... I'm trying to have some variety on my channel, but don't worry I'm still making music even though there might be some game videos too.

PS. I might do some un-boxing videos later this month, not saying I will but it's possible. Check the website often because there's more stuff coming!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

A new song and a beat.

My computer was being repaired so I couldn't post anything for a while but now I bring you a new song and a new club banger beat by yours truly. Enjoy!

This Is It by DJ CmeP

Another Club Banger Beat by DJ CmeP

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Saw 2 (Spoiler Free) Review

So I finally got the chance to watch Saw 2 a couple of days ago. This movie really surprised me how much it had improved from the first one. The acting was a bit better, there wasn't as much shaky cam as in the 1st movie. I definitely recommend watching this movie. It doesn't require watching the 1st movie but it helps to understand some of the things in it. Even the end twist was a little more surprising than in the first Saw movie.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Horrorstep Song

I Am Pain by DJ CmeP

I made my first horror themed dubstep. Feel free to download it. I know I said I'd review Saw 2 but I never have time to watch it. I am still going to watch the other movies too at some I'll be posting my thoughts on the movies when I get the chance to watch them.

PS. Datpiff is still having some issues so check out my soundcloud page for my latest tracks/beats.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Beatpack #3 is done!

I finally finished making my 3rd beat pack but there's a small problem...datpiff has disabled user uploads for a day or two. So unfortunately you'll have to wait for the pack for a while. I uploaded a new beat from the pack to youtube and here it is:

Sunday, August 14, 2011

New Beat

Nothing interesting happened today but I did manage to make a new beat.
Beatpack #3 coming soon!


Friday, August 12, 2011

Saw (Spoiler Free) Review

When I started watching Saw I was sure that I was going to hate the movie but actually I kinda liked it. Yeah..sure the movie had it's problems: bad acting and the annoying use of shaky camera. Dispite the bad acting I was still having a fun time waiting for the next kill to happen. If you like the Final Destination series give this one a try too, I know I did.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I Made My Own Website


I finally made my own website, where I'll be writing my thoughts and posting music & entertainment(perhaps podcasts,rifftraxx etc.) for your enjoyment. I'll try to get something done by tomorrow if I make a podcast of some sort it'll probably be in finnish but you'll just have to wait for that. I'll try to post something on here once or twice a week so check out the site often.

Here's a beat I made last night.